What’s the Deal with Bath Bombs?

Story by Liberty Welsh »

As some of you have noticed, there has been a new-found popularity for baths. Why baths, you ask? Because of bath bombs! These scented, colorful products are a constant topic of interest among many people, especially teenage girls. It’s not uncommon for a Snapchat story to include a video of a bath bomb in all its glory. Why are they so popular, though? Perhaps it has something to do with the relaxing sensation it brings to those who use it.  The chemical makeup of a bath bomb creates a fizzy reaction when it is placed in water. This is what releases the scent and adds color to your bath.

Bath bombs were first created in 1989 by Mo Constantine, founder of LUSH Handmade Cosmetics Ltd., who just wanted to make people happy and relax them. Bath bombs are not, however, just used for the appearance and smell. These items are known to help with relaxation. In other words, they are great stress relievers.

Senior Abby Evans agrees with this statement.

“They are super relaxing and pleasing to the mind,” Evans said, “Between the color and the satisfaction of the fizz, it relaxes me alot.”

Bath bombs contain oils that are used to help moisturize your skin, and feature calming essences such as lavender, jasmine, and peppermint, depending on which bath bomb you buy.

Bath bombs sometimes hold hidden treasures inside. Fragrant Jewels is a company that sells bath bombs, but that’s not all that’s a part of the package. These bath bombs include hidden jewelry inside that follows the theme of the bath bomb. Other bath bombs may include rose petals, tiny toys or figurines, key chains, and any other small objects you could think of. However, many companies that do this advise consumers to hold the bath bombs in their hands when placing them in water. That way, you won’t lose your tiny surprise down the drain!

Not everyone feels like bath bombs are all that cool.

“I don’t see the point of them,” said Ezekiel Taylor, Jr. “Why do I need to change the color of my water when I take a bath? All it does is put a ring around your tub.”

Many others have said the same thing. It’s up to you to decide whether they are for you or not!