Photo By: Jacob Ziesenis

Story By: Carson Miller

Over the summer the Eudora High School staff welcomed in a new teacher, Mandi Holsten. Ms. Holsten is the new agriculture pathway instructor. From Agricultural Science to Livestock Management, Ms. Holsten is excited to be able to teach in Eudora which is a reminder of the small town she grew up in. 

“I chose Eudora because of the community and the students, it just felt like home and everyone was so welcoming,” Ms. Holsten said, “it just felt like I just belonged here.”

Her classes encourage leadership and help prepare those students who may choose a career path involving animal or plant sciences. Mrs. Holsten hopes to create a warm environment for everyone. She also enjoys bringing her golden retrievers to class occasionally so the students have an opportunity to have more hands-on experience with animals, they also can bring comfort to students with anxiety. 

“I hope that my students just want to come to my classroom and feel that they belong. Ms. Holsten states. “They don’t have to have a career in agriculture but I just want them to feel like they want to be in their classroom. They can learn leadership skills and learn things that can apply to them in life.”.

Alongside her many different classes, Ms. Holsten is Eudora’s FFA chapter sponsor. FFA encourages hands-on learning as well as an abundance of leadership skills and personal growth. These skills will not only impact their high school career but also impact their everyday life. Ms. Holsten is able to help students understand what they want to do in the future and guide them through that journey. 

“I hope to help FFA members learn their purpose, they may not know what to do and I can guide them through it. They may have a sense of ‘I like animals’ and I can help guide them in a direction and help them find their purpose,” Ms. Holsten said.