Excitement Grows as Flowers Bloom

Story by Cece Baise »

Spring is right around the corner and with the new season comes other things, such as allergies, weather changes, spring sports, prom, spring play and much more. The weather is changing from the rather cold temperatures and snow that we become accustomed to in the winter months, to the slightly chilly, windy, and rainy weather of spring.

“I’m looking forward to being able to go outside without immediately getting frostbite,” said Tanya Miller, Soph.

As the weather changes, so does the scenery – and flowers begin to sprout.

“I like the colors a lot, it’s kind of like the Earth is waking back up,” Junior Kelby Dressler said.

While flowers and other various plants are a rather lovely addition to the season, with their bright colors and sweet smells, they also bring pollen and allergies with them. Be sure to stock up on allergy pills and decongestant when you start to see those pretty, but pesky, plants start to sprout.

The weather and scenery are not the only things changing, but so are activities and sports. Spring sports help define the arrival of spring for many students. With the debut of women’s soccer and the return of softball, baseball and track for the season, students are anxious to see what this year’s spring sports teams can do!

Spring break is something every kid looks forward to, no matter what age or grade. It gives you time to relax and time to spend treating yourself or chill out with friends. It’s a brief period where you can destress and have fun. You don’t have to go out and do something to make the most of it, you’d be just fine staying in your room or watching movies at home.