Do-It-Yourself, Dear Valentine!

Story by Khloe Crawshaw »

It’s almost Valentine’s day, time to give a gift to that special someone! The only problem is, it’s hard to find a gift that won’t break the bank. Do-It-Yourself gifts can show just how much you care for someone, and an inexpensive gift can still be wonderful.

Sophomore Carolyn Hoover said that gifts don’t always have to be expensive to be great. Hoover said that she has attempted many DIY’s for gifts and for herself.

“As long as you put thought into them,” said Hoover.

With that in mind, here are three Valentine’s Day Do-It-Yourself ideas for a sweetheart, and one inexpensive gift that will blow anyone away!

A card is a simple choice for Valentine’s Day. To increase the ‘wow’ factor, make one! Use anything from cardstock to notebook paper. Add stickers, cut out paper hearts, and draw to create something special and one of a kind. Junior Ashley Fox said that handmade cards, while displaying the same message as a store bought card, can have more meaningful effect.

“It’s nice to know someone went out of their way to make something for you,” Fox said.

Chocolate is always a great gift for Valentine’s Day as well. Add a personal touch by adding fun Valentines-themed paper or wrapping around the bar(s), and taping or hot gluing it on to make it festive.

For an expert crafter, paper roses are a creative approach to a gift. To make one, cut paper into a circle, cut a spiral pattern through the paper until it is one long strand. Then, roll up the spiral from the outside until you get the desired ‘rose’ effect. Tape or hot glue the rose so that it stays.

But, it’s understandable that DIY’s can be tricky, even for an experienced crafter. And, let’s be honest, aren’t we all a little apprehensive around a glue gun? Gifts don’t have to be expensive to come from the heart. Most bath bombs or bath products are under ten dollars, and can be a great gift for a stressed out student as well.

Gifts can be tricky, but, if they come from the heart, they can be a great success!