By Dylan Sabatos

If you’re a bus rider here at EHS, you’ve probably noticed a few new adjustments this year. For the last few years, the buses have used the elementary school as a central drop off. Students would board buses at their respective drop off locations. This year students will no longer have to ride to EES, instead they will meet at the middle school.

Some students might know why there was a change but for those who don’t know, it is based on helping the elementary schoolers. This new schedule makes it so that the elementary schoolers don’t have to switch buses or get confused.

According to Mr. Buie the changes were made because the middle and high schoolers should be more flexible than the elementary schoolers.

All the buses start out at the elementary school and then head to the middle school with some exceptions. After the buses go to their designations, they take the rest of the riders who live in the country to their homes.

Although it seems like an inconvenience to the high schoolers, the new schedule allows the elementary schoolers to have a more simple ride to get home.