The school lunch is a profound
mystery, a mix of cost effectiveness,
standardization, and simplicity, at a
very affordable price. But what meals
do students actually enjoy eating? And
what are entrees that people tend to
Ask around about potential ‘best

dishes’, and the most common re-
sponse is likely to be the infamous

“crispito”, which appears to have quite
a cult following.
However, some students favor other
Senior Hagan Andrews prefers the
chicken nuggets while Junior Adam
Monroe said that he favored another
“The cheeseburger with potato
wedges,” Monroe said, “I look forward
to that meal every month.”

A very vocal freshman, Waylan
Hutton, had a unique selection for top
dish: “My favorite is the chicken patty,”
said Hutton.
But what entrees did students
generally dislike? Students responses
varied widely, but most were more
indifferent than outright negative.
Senior Madison Arnold had to think
for a moment which entrèe was her
least favorite.
“Probably those weird triangle
bread things,” said Arnold, referring to
the chicken and cheese quesadilla.
Senior Zoe Dameron on the other
hand, targeted a zesty poultry entree.

“The spicy chicken is dry,” Dam-
eron said, “and could use some more

No, the school lunches aren’t five
star meals with multiple courses. But
at the end of the day, students say

they really aren’t that bad. Considering
the hundreds of people served daily,
and the cheap cost, the food services
manage to provide a healthy hot meal
every day of the week. Especially on
crispito day.