DIY Christmas Gifts and Fun Facts

Story by Hannah Hazeldine »

Christmas is coming up and gift ideas are popping into people’s minds. The greatest feeling is to give someone the perfect present, so here are a few DIY presents that could spark some great ideas:

Madison Nightingale, Sr., made a box full of gifts, one of them being a “100 Reasons Why I Love You” letter for her boyfriend at the time. Giving a gift like that could really show your significant other how much you appreciate them.

Secret Santa is a tradition to give an anonymous person a small, inexpensive, yet thoughtful gift.

Freshman Lily Buchholz, in her most recent Secret Santa gift exchange gathered and made different types of “girl gifts” such as nail polish, candy, scrunchies and makeup all in a neat box. Sophomore Celeste Etter remembers as a second grader making a DIY doll to hand out for her Secret Santa, but it didn’t work out as well as she was hoping.

“It looked really scary and my teacher wouldn’t let me give it away.” Etter said.

If a family member or friend’s birthday is coming, Freshman Jayla Pierce knows exactly how to help you out. Pierce, with the help of her mom, wanted to make her grandma’s 95th birthday special. She and her mom decided to make a big poster board with a message that said “Happy 95th Birthday.”

“We had these strings attached to it a we wrote 95 little notes about how great she is and attached it to the string.”

Jayce Andrews, Soph., wanted to make something special for her mom’s birthday. Her mom is a huge fan of the band Mumford and Sons. She bought a canvas, modge podge and glue, “printed off a whole bunch of pictures, lyrics and covers” and glued them to the canvas to let sit overnight to dry. The end result was a poster-like canvas of her mom’s favorite band.

Christmas gifts are a great way to acknowledge your friends and family and share with them what they love most. Without spending a fortune, these DIY ideas can be an efficient and fun way to give back to your loved ones.


  • Setting up the Christmas tree is the number one American winter holiday tradition, according to a poll collected by
  • The amount of milk left out for Santa on Christmas Eve annually is 5,908,893 gallons — which is equal to about nine Olympic sized swimming pools.
  • On average, Americans spend five hours in the kitchen prepping and cleaning up for holiday parties each year.
  • The world’s biggest snowman was built in 1999 by the residents of Maine and it stood at 113 feet tall.
  • Santa Claus Village, Finland is the official home of Santa Claus and over 300,000 people visit each year.
  • There are 5,340 card swipes per minute on average in the US between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • 70% of retail sales annual revenue is made in December.
  • 67% of pet owners buy gifts for their dogs.
  • Kansas receives an average annual snowfall of about 14.7 inches.