By Melanie Reese

As the days get progressively warmer, the final days before the first track meet of the 2015 season quickly pass by. With the dedication and hard work of students of all grades, the track team couldn’t look stronger. The variety of options for athletes to participate in vary from throwing javelin, jumping high jump to running the 2-mile, all benefits the team at meets whether they be JV or varsity. With multiple athletes making their way to the state competition in the 2014 season, there are high hopes and great determination in place to have more athletes make it to the destination that everyone strives for: state.

Coach Katzenmeier shared his goals for the season, “As a team, we would like to beat as many teams in the league as we can and place as high as we can. Individually, I want everybody to do the best that they’re potentially capable of and get as many people as we can qualified for the state track meet.”

The Cardinal track team will be able to take the first step in achieving their goals this Tuesday, March 31, at the Eudora stadium.