Carrie: A Girl Gone Rouge
This horror film, circa 1976, is a fantastic adaptation to Stephen King’s first published novel, Carrie. A perfect mix between the hardships of teenage life and creepy horror, Carrie is sure to send chills up your spine. Carrie White’s mother is a religious psychopath, often locking Carrie in a closet to pray for forgiveness of her sins. The staff and students of her high school relentlessly bully Carrie. One teacher is different, and offers Carrie a mother-like presence. Miss Collins, the teacher, punished the girls who bullied Carrie and encouraged her to try and make friends. Carrie soon discovers that when she focuses her angry energy, she can move objects. This telekinesis turns into a deadly weapon when a practical joke on Carrie at prom results in the mass murder of the entire gym. Without any modern special effects, Carrie might not be horror by today’s standards. However, with creepy scenes and a few suspense scares, this movie captivates even 40 years later. Available on Netflix, Carrie is a perfect halloween classic to cuddle up to and enjoy this Halloween.