Freshmen Day
by Kennedy O’Dell
Everyone loves the first day of school but the first day of high school can be intimidating. New people, new places, and a whole new set of rules are just a few things high school throws at you in the very first moments. Knowing that this can be a bit stressful, EHS Student Council set out to welcome and help new students through an engaging first day experience.
Students were met with music and candybars as they entered the high school on August 15 for a rather unorthodox introduction. Student Council members danced through the commons in an effort to welcome the students.
“Freshmen Day is all about making the new students feel like they belong. I remember being absolutely mortified on my first day. I can’t tell what kind of good it would have done me to have an upperclassmen reach out.” said Student Body Vice President Zach Elliot.
Reaching out was the goal of the day and all parties involved felt that the Student Council had made an outstanding effort at connecting with the new class. StuCo Sponsor Eric Magette was especially pleased.
“We went above and beyond this year, giving a candybar and handwritten note to every new student. I am truly proud of our council.”
Student Council hopes to continue the new tradition of a bright and warm welcome next year with even more festivities.