Favorite Fast Foods

Nearly all students at Eudora High School have
eaten fast food before. It is a common staple of life
around Eudora-especially given the high number of
restaurants in this town.
Grace Lovett, Sr., only eats fast food twice a
week, usually Chipotle, sometimes Panda Express.
It always depends on whether or not her softball
practice goes late or not. On the extreme side of the
equation, Senior Kaiden Horting says that he eats
fast food nearly every day.
“…Because I work a lot I eat fast food every
night,” Horting said.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the food you eat
can affect your emotions. Studies have shown that
people who eat unhealthily were more likely to suffer
from depression. On the flipside, people who ate a
diet high in healthy foods like fruits, vegetables
and fish were less likely to be depressed. But those
statistics don’t seem to do anything curb students’
insatiable appetites for fast food.
Junior Connor Schmidt eats fast food about 5
times a month, and his two favorite locations are
Chipotle and Cane’s.
Adults may be more familiar with the health
risks of fast food, but their hectic schedules make the
occasional meal out nearly impossible to avoid.
Mrs. Carnagie limits herself to eating fast food
once a week, and enjoys Freddy’s, whereas Dr. Kelso
consumes fast food three times a week, and likes
“But I don’t go there all the time,” Carnagie added.
Many people just like to go out to eat with
their friends. Peer pressure to eat together at fast
food restaurants is one reason that students tend to
choose a burger and fries over a gourmet organic
kale salad.
Junior Josh Stadick estimated that he eats fast
food about twice a week. He also said that he preferred to eat at McDonald’s or Chick-Fil-A.
Looking back, he fondly recalled the time spent
his “freshman year at Cane’s…hanging out with
friends.” But he quickly added that he hates eating at