Story by Hunter Heier »

It was a clear night, with no clouds. What happened next, was unexplainable. In the sky above Evening Star Rd., four different colored lights were spinning brightly, and Hannah Mosser, Jr., has no logical way of explaining what it might have been that she saw that night.

Are we alone in the universe? This is a commonly asked question among conspiracy theorists, or others who believe they have seen something that can only be described as an alien encounter, or a UFO sighting. According to a survey by 20th Century Fox, over 50% of Americans believe that aliens exist in the universe.

“I believe that the universe is so large and expansive that there’s no way that we are the only life in the universe,” said Zax Flaherty, Jr.

According to, human beings have seen as far as 14.3 billion light years into space using the Hubble Space Telescope. So far, none of the planets humans have seen have had obvious signs of life.

“There has to be some other form of intelligent life,” Flaherty said, “There’s a possibility they have visited us.”

According to NASA, 60 billion planets could have life, because they are located in a “habitable zone,” the area around a star that is not too hot or cold to have life.

Some students here at EHS believe that unexplainable objects that they have seen in the night sky could be described as something of alien origin.

Corey Hoover, Jr, believes he saw an unidentified flying object while looking at the night sky.

“It was late at night, and it was cloudy, I couldn’t see the moon,” Hoover said.

When he looked up, Hoover saw a bright circle of light in the night sky.

“It was moving very quickly,” Hoover said.

Hoover is also not the only one who believes he saw a potential UFO.

Junior Hannah Mosser. also believes that she saw a UFO in 2007.

“I was 6 and we were having a party on Evening Star Road,” Mosser said, “It was a clear night, and it had just stopped raining that day.To the southwest at a 45-degree angle were 4 different colored lights, almost like they were spinning.”

“It stayed for five or ten minutes , and then it quickly moved horizontally, and we didn’t see it again,” concluded Mosser.

These reports of unidentified objects are just two of hundreds of similar stories reported every year. According to CNN, most American reports of UFOs are reported in the Northeast and Western regions of America. Sam Monfort, a doctoral student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, attributes the rising number of reported sightings of UFOs to the rise of the internet and the ease of reporting potential UFO sightings. According to Mason, the US national average is 2500 sightings per 1000 people, 300 times more than the global average of UFO sightings.

Others believe that aliens don’t actually exist.

“I don’t believe in aliens because of my religion,” said Dalton Jones, Jr. “There’s nothing in the Bible.”

Another reason Jones is suspicious of aliens is videos of supposed sightings on the internet.

“There’s videos out there of aliens, but they could be fake,” Jones said.

Whether or not aliens actually exist is likely to remain a mystery, at least for the time being. Some believe we have been visited, but others think an alien visit is yet to happen.

“I think they will find us before we will find them,” Flaherty said.