Story by Alexander Timmerman »

Hairstyles are one of the many things that make students unique. There are some students that take their hair’s well-being very seriously, and then there are some students who don’t.

One student with a more unique hairstyle is Sophomore Joshua Stadick, who has blond hair in the center of his head, and brown hair down the sides.

“Everyone has their own hairstyle, no one’s really alike,” Stadick said, “I got the blond hair because I lost a bet, and it’s just grown on me, and I got this hairstyle because it compliments my style overall.”

However, Sophomore Josh Ziesenis said “I literally do nothing to my hair.”

Although leaving one’s hair in its natural state might count as some sort of style choice, it’s clear that, he chooses not to really style his hair at all.

“It’s all personality based,” Ziesenis said.

Some may wonder: What’s important about hairstyles? Sophomore Sierra Smith says, “That it doesn’t look like they tried too hard.” She finds what makes hair such a personable quality, is that:

“It’s something that everyone has.” Smith said.

The view on hairstyles seems to vary from person to person. Some style their hair as a way to look good, and some see hair as a way to show one’s personality. Others barely think about hairstyles. Many students around EHS may have their own unique hairstyle, but whether you like it or not, people may judge you based on your choices.