kansas schools

The recent controversy over the Kansas school budgeting has been an issue both in the schools and in the courts. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled that the state budget for the 2016-2017 school year was unconstitutional on Mar. 3. The legislature has been given until June 30 to fix the budget; if the issue is not resolved, Kansas schools will not reopen in the fall. For some, that may seem like a blessing, but to Taylor Huff, Jr., it means a huge barrier for her future. Huff, who plans on being an RN, needs her last year of high school in order to pursue that level of a degree.

“My education should not have to be postponed because our government can’t decide on a budget,” said Huff.

The bill created to appease the Supreme Court was put to a vote in the legislature Mar. 24 and passed. This bill, while it doesn’t increase overall spending on schools, does not cut funds already promised to certain school districts. If approved by Gov. Brownback, the bill will go to the Supreme Court for approval.