feather corrinne

The new spring season is upon us and it’s time to freshen up your locker, car, or bedroom. Spring cleaning is said to have originated from the Jewish holiday of passover, which is a traditionally a time of house cleaning that occurs two weeks after the Jewish new year, in April (http://home.howstuffworks.com). Here’s a checklist of what to tend to this cleaning season.


  • Clean your car. I know there is a box of takeout in the back seat that has been molding since September. Get rid of it! Head to the car wash and vacuum that sucker out. You’ll have more room for passengers and space for your bags and supplies.

  • Sort through your closet. It may seem like a daunting task but it is totally worth it. Dump all of your clothes onto your bed and sort through each pile. If you don’t have a connection to an item or haven’t worn it in a year, donate it or throw it out. You will have space to actually see what you have and room for new styles.

  • Organize your bathroom. Throw out all of the empty shampoo bottles, hair gels, and toothpaste tubes. You can streamline your morning routine if you aren’t spending 10 minutes looking for your deodorant, which is buried beneath a pile of used Q-Tips.

  • Clean out your locker. The end of school is coming up and you will save yourself so much time if you just throw out the extra papers which have accumulated in your locker. Each time you open it, take something out.