Wise Anatomy

By: Camden Leary
Grey’s Anatomy is one of the longest running shows on television today; the show follows the lives of doctors at work and all of the situations and drama they deal with on a daily basis. Throughout the elven aired seasons we see all kinds of medical emergencies rolling by on bed trolleys with nurses yelling for doctors and doctors rushing from patient to patient. Through all of this hysteria the doctors have to maintain a professional demeanor whilst trying to balance their home and family life. Quite the task, huh? Well, for EHS senior, Kassy Wise, this drama filled TV series will become a reality in the near future.
“My dream job or what my goal is, is to become an Emergency Room Physician. I think it would be a really exciting, interesting, and fun job to have.”
Wise wants to live out the lives of the doctors on the shows we see today. She plans on attending UMKC and applying to be part of their B.A./M.D. program which will help her to graduate with a bachelors and a masters degree in less time than most medical students. This is no easy task. Wise has to go through many steps of an interview process to be accepted into the rigorous program. However, her hard work doesn’t stop after she’s been accepted.
“The biggest challenge I think I will have in becoming a doctor is school. I will have to take some difficult classes and schooling is really long to become a doctor,” Wise said, “I think that by taking hard classes in high school it has prepared me for college. Taking Health Careers has also been a very important class and will be very helpful in the future.”
On top of having to go through a tiring application process, Wise has a lot ahead of her. Many hard classes with many long nights, being in school for what seems like forever, and just to top it off medical school is not cheap. Granted, if all goes as planned, Wise will be the next big doctor and paying off school loans will be a breeze.
A question Wise gets asked a lot is why she chose this path. Why, if it is going to be so much work and so much money, would she want to pursue this career? For Wise it is simple.
“What drives me to become a doctor the most is being able to help people in a direct and positive way while impacting their lives. I feel like making people feel better or saving their lives would be a very rewarding job.”
A true testament to Wises’ character, knowing that you are helping someone is enough proof for her that this is what she is meant for.
“I’ve always admired people in the health field for what they do and it has inspired me and made me want to become a doctor as well.”
These people have helped to push Wise forward in her hopes and aspirations and makes her excited to see what the future holds. So, as this year slowly comes to a close, Wise has much to prepare for and looks to have a bright future in front of her.