By Braeden Manley

The Eudora Cardinals basketball team has had quite a notable season as of 2015. The boys came off of a 1 point loss to rival basketball team Ottawa High to clinch the first place title in the Tonganoxie Tournament.

The first of the three game series was battled against the host of the tournament, Tonganoxie. The boys shot their way to victory with a comfortable 62-44 lead.

In the second game of the tournament, the Cardinals faced off against Holton, who in years past had been a rival to the Cardinals football team. This game would prove to be a challenge as both teams held on within just a few points to one another. At the end of the game Eudora proved to be victorious with a very small 51-48 lead.

The final game of the tournament would be a showdown between the Cardinals and Atchison, the first game after the tournament would be a matchup against the same teams. As the game went on, both teams fought for an edge against the other, but in the final moments a steal from Mitchell Ballock would lead to an extra 2 points for the Cardinals and put them ahead 50-45 in the closing seconds of the game.

The Cardinals came out of the tournament with a mid-season record of 10-2.