By Ludo Gioacchini

Wow! I’ve only been in America for two months, and I’m having a lot of new and wonderful experiences. The weirdest one? FOOD.

The wonderful family that I live with is trying to introduce me to a new world of food. Often people who are new to the US assume they will have to live on cheeseburgers, but this is not what I found. There is a great variety of food here.

I recently went to Chipotle for the first time.

I remember when just 6 months ago, I started talking to my host family, and they asked me if there was Chipotle in Italy; I didn’t know what it was. After arriving here, I tried it and  thought it was awesome! The best part is being able to choose whatever you want to put into your burrito.

Another discovery is Pizza Shuttle, the place where students go to celebrate every Friday after football games, win or lose. It’s a really cool place. Also, the location is simple, but cool. We don’t have places like that in Italy, where we can stay with friends and eat for a while.

Usually Italian people love going to restaurants and eating appetizers, pasta, meat, fish, dessert and coffee at every meal. It is easy to waste an entire day in a restaurant.

Before coming here, food was a big question. I didn’t know what to expect before I got here, but now I realize that I knew nothing about food. Here, I’ve discovered a new world, and I think the best is yet to come!