The Face Behind the Memories: An Interview with Yearbook Editor Rebekah Case

by Kennedy O’Dell

Senior Rebekah Case is a designer, a writer, and an innovator. As editor of the EHS yearbook, Case is challenged everyday to expand her wide skill set to accomplish tasks in the EdTech classroom. The yearbook is one of the most demanding tasks the student body undertakes each year but Case is proud of the work she and other students put into the annual volume. She is always thrilled to see the final result.

“It’s really exciting to see the process as the yearbook comes together, to go from back in August where we just have this imagination and the creative process of what do we want our book to look like, going all the way to May when it’s a real book and being able to see towards those last few weeks as all the pieces come together. It’s really exciting to see how it’s becoming a real thing,” said Case.

Case is this year’s editor-in-chief but it takes a village to craft a successful yearbook. Every student who enrolls in the class is able to specialize and find a place where they fit as a staff member. Staffers share a variety of talents, and Case is quick to invite new students with new talent to join the class.

“There’s a place for every student in yearbook whether it’s through design skills, art skills, leadership skills, writing skills, all of those aspect are important to our process.”

Case has loved her time in yearbook and describes the classroom environment as that of a family. If you are looking for an engaging, creative class next year try yearbook!