Review: Top Gun

Story By: Carson Miller
30 years after “Top Gun,” Tom Cruise as Maverick returns to the cockpit this time acting as more of a mentor training young pilots. He teaches the new pilots the ins and outs of flying a jet and helps them achieve a difficult mission. Dealing with the team is not only emotional but very personal as one of the pilot rookies is his old co-pilot Goose’s son Rooster [Miles Tellerr]. He must bond with the team and train them, alongside navigating romance.
“Top Gun: Maverick” ties both stories together beautifully as one of the most famous beach volleyball scenes was recreated into a beach football scene. The new generation of naval aviators gets to experience what Maverick did when he battled enemy pilots in “Top Gun” As modern-day technology allows the studio higher quality jet action sequences keeping action jammed-pack with entertainment on par with the ‘80s original. The movie is crafted well and ties the past and the present together well.
Although the release was delayed due to COVID-19, the movie was still able to premiere right in time for the summer blockbuster season of 2022. We meet some recurring cast members and have some sweet and wholesome moments that relate back to the original movie. The movie brings back the magic from the original and was able to recreate it and make a new story that pairs well with the original.
“Top Gun: Maverick” was able to gross over one billion dollars, making more than the original and being one of the top movies of 2022.