“Do you have an E-hallpass?”

Story By: Anna Bahr
EHS has adopted a new policy to track students’ time out of class called E-Hallpass. This is a smart way to track students’ time out of class and hold them accountable by providing school admin tangible data.
“Because of the things that are going on with vaping, we needed to keep track of students leaving and how often they are leaving,” said Head Principal Ron Abel
The E-hallpass is a contactless pass system. The app lets you limit the number of passes for specific places, and see how many times students have been out of the class on that day.
“Another thing is student safety. If there was a fire, a tornado or a shooting, we wouldn’t know where anyone is. And now being able to account for students in a time of crisis is very important,” said Assistant Principal Sean Hayden.
The system has students fill out the specific place they are going so it is easy to know exactly where students are.
“It has been a big help in making sure students are doing ok, if they are having 5-7 passes a day we can check in on them and get them to help if they need it,” said Mr. Hayden.
E-Hallpass is a very helpful and efficient way to hold students accountable, track time out of class, and collect data to improve the school’s overall environment.
Story By: Mags Flory
The new school hall pass is invasive, impractical, and unethical. To start the 2022-2023 school year, Eudora High School has decided to implement a new hall pass system for students. E-hallpass has you sign in to the app every time you open it; then you have to scour the app for the bathroom, office, or another teacher’s room. The app times how long you are gone, sometimes teachers even forget to end the pass and it goes on for even longer than what the student was actually gone for.
E-Hallpass is not only unreliable but it takes teachers away from their lesson plan. If E-Hallpass creates issues on the student’s end the teacher has to fill it out for them, and then when the student comes back they have to announce their return. If the student goes to another teacher’s room, the other teacher has to say they arrived and if they do not the original teacher has to do it. Taking more time out of class.
Not only was there no instruction to the students on how to use the app but the school has issued a detention for anyone who does not have an E-Hallpass. I understand what Eudora is trying to do with E-hallpass, however, the application is not sound enough for the amount of pressure they are putting on it.
“The biggest reason we implemented the E-hallpass is the increase of vaping and vandalism we saw last year,” said Head Principal Ron Abel.
While Mr. Abel and Vice Principal Sean Hayden can overview all of the E-Hallpasses and see where students are going, they are unable to distinguish whether a student is going to the bathroom to vape or whether they are well-hydrated without interrogating said student. They are not going to interrogate every student but if you leave class too often you might be at risk of being suspicious.