
Story By: Senni Hyvaerinen
Eudora’s homecoming this year was held the week of fourth through the eighth of October. Spirit week began on Monday, following the homecoming parade on Wednesday and the game on Friday. The dance on Friday promptly followed the homecoming game. The theme this year was “Happy Little Homecoming” and students were given Bob Ross themed T-shirts if they participated in spirit week.
Monday was the first day of spirit week and the theme was pajama day. Pajama day fittingly describes Monday very well because everybody can just basically hop straight out of bed already wearing their pajamas.
Tuesday, the theme was mathletes vs. athletes. Students took a more contemporary view of the classic highschool theme day, instead of “Jocks vs. Nerds”. Some students came to school dressed with glasses and suspenders while others came dressed in their lettermans jackets.
On Wednesday, prior to the homecoming parade, the theme day was western wear. Throughout EHS students dressed in their cowboy hats, boots, and flannels.
On Thursday, students had the option to dress as their favorite superheroes. While roaming the halls you could see different students dressed as their favorite Marvel or DC superheroes.
On Friday, students wore their homecoming t-shirts. Every class was designated a color for homecoming and some students tie-dyed their shirts depending on their class color. Freshmen were green, sophomores were yellow, juniors were blue, and seniors were pink.
The homecoming game began at 7 p.m. on Friday evening. The dance promptly followed the homecoming game after the Cardinals were awarded their victory against Ottawa.
With a whirlwind of events and activities, the week finished up with a victory for the Cardinals against Ottawa 35-7. The homecoming King was crowned to Senior Camden Ridinger and the queen was Senior Stella Whalen.