Story by Caven Denham

The rush of energy, the feeling of accomplishment, the feeling of being on the state qualifying  mat, EHS Senior Cael Lynch knows why he is here and what he has proven and what he needs to do to finish off his last year strong. 

“You’re either all in or all out, it’s all in your mindset so put it there,” said Lynch.

Lynch started his wrestling career 14 years ago as a kid. Working his way up through middle school, high school is where it gets serious for him. Lynch attacked the offseason with the mindset of “warming up for state” and that he was going to prove to himself that he could get a state championship. 

Lynch knew what it took to make it to state and that he could do it. Wrestling Coach, Gus Andrews is his model/mentor and that he believes “…he got me through and made me the man I am today. “ 

Andrews doesn’t care if you come out as a better wrestler, he would rather you become a better person and a role model for others.

“Gus was the guy who would get in your head and make you think about what you were doing and how to make it better,” said Lynch.

Lynch pushed his way all through Senior year and made his way to state. The feelings he had were indescribable,  all the emotion went straight to his head and he used that energy to push through and pump himself up right before the match. Right before they got on the mat everyone was abuzz and Lynch just wanted to start the match. 

“I was ready for the match before I was even on the mat,” said Lynch.

Photo by Tristen Heldstab

As soon as he hit the mat Lynch knew he was going to win, he could tell by the emotion of the other wrestler. It was a good match but then Lynch pinned the other wrestler and momentum moved in Lynch’s favor, the opponent gave some last efforts but it was enough to get unpinned.

Lynch takes home the state championship and will forever have his photo up on the wall for years of students to see and enjoy. Lynch signed for football at Midamerica Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas. He was stuck on the choice of Football or Wrestling and decided to sign for football. He has his heart set and he showed what he could do in wrestling and now wants to show that same emotion and power in college football. 

“It was a hard decision to make but I believe I made the right choice, and now I have to push for that,” said Lynch.