Winter Formal Cancelled, Students Reactions

Story by Kadi Weeks
As with most traditional high school events in a pandemic (cancellations, reschedulings, quarantines, etc.) Winter Formal is not a possibility this year for EHS. Aside from prom, Winter Formal is a big event for EHS students to enjoy. Coinciding with Winter sports, the Winter Formal usually happens on a weekend following the Winter Court basketball game.
Staff and students alike are disappointed at this year’s events, but Eric Magette, EHS Stuco Sponsor, offers alternatives in place of Winter Formal:
“We are working on something that might allow us to do some stuff outside like a walk through chance to stop and take some pictures,” said Magette.
Assistant Principal Cara Kimberlin comments, “Anytime we don’t do something our kids are used to is disappointing we’re unable to have some of these things we’d normally do every year,” said Kimberlin.
Dylan Coleman, Sr., added that she is very upset that she can’t have one more formal for her last year of high school.
“It sucks but at the end of the day if it keeps classmates safe and we won’t spread COVID anymore…” said Coleman.
Emily Moody, Jr., mentions that “…it’s honestly kinda sad that we don’t get one this year.”
Stuco is in the works to have an event that is different and an opportunity in place of a big school event like Winter Formal.
“However, that has already been ruled out as the school admin told us we cannot have a dance,” said Justin Fawcett, Sr. Stuco President.. “We have an alternative plan for Winter Formal that would involve students getting dressed up and going in groups.”
Anther disappointed Senior Harbour Harvat adds, “I mean obviously it’s our senior year and it sucks and it should be our best time.” said Harvat.
The details for an alternative event are still pending on current COVID-19 infection rates, event space, and what event may take place.