Next Generation Consoles Highlight 2020 Holiday Season

Story by: Grady Balthazar
Next-Generation consoles are a big thing in the gaming industry, this will help advance the gameplay for a set group of people who would prefer not to purchase a computer. Some of the features to look forward to with next-generation consoles are: 120 FPS, 4K, and newer and more exclusive games that are only available on the latest generation.
Currently, you have two options to choose from. You can choose the “Xbox Series X” and “Xbox Series S,” or the “PlayStation 5.”
There are big differences between the two Xboxes though. On the Xbox Series X, you will be able to play games at 4K and 120 FPS on select games. The Xbox Series S on the other hand will only allow for players to play up to 1440p but will still allow 120 FPS on select games.
With the PS5 on the other hand both versions of the console will allow you to run the same games at 120 FPS and 4K streaming. The PS5 with the disk drive is $499 retail and $399 without.
The release for both consoles were not that good due to the high prices of bundles and unavailability.If you are looking into getting a next-generation console, you may have to wait awhile.Another red flag for buying the newest generation so near launch ismany of the consoles receive malfunctions. An example of this is an Xbox Series X was recorded smoking while being played.
When it comes to games, next-generation consoles are the way to go. As of right now, there are only a select few games that are only accessible on the newer consoles. As time goes on, many games will begin to stop releasing on the current Xbox One and Playstation 4, and will become mainly exclusive to next-generation consoles. This will force many people to purchase one but will be worth it in the long run.
Another big thing to think about when it comes to next-generation consoles, is newer ones releasing. As we have seen, Bill Gates and Microsoft released an Xbox One S just three years after the release of the Xbox One and only three years after the release of the Xbox One S, they released a new and improved Xbox One X which allowed 120 FPS gameplay.
This is not the only place this has been seen, Sony has brought out two consoles after the original release of the PlayStation 4 as well. Just four years after the release of the PS4, Sony released the PS4 Slim and the same year as that, the PS4 Pro was released which also allowed for higher FPS streaming.
Some reasons to buy the next-generation consoles may be for 120 FPS gaming and 4K gaming and streaming, but here’s why you should wait.
First of all, they’re are barely any games that are only releasing on the next-generation consoles which is a big reason you should wait. A good idea for you to do this holiday season is to wait, once you begin to see an influx of games coming to next-generation consoles only, jump onto your computer and purchase one. There is absolutely no reason to be purchasing a console for this upcoming holiday.
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