Cardinal Corps

Story by: Tristen Heldstab
“We don’t have to let all our memories about 2020 be negative. We can control ‘some’ things this year… like having fun, making great memories and working at promoting more positive, healthy relationships at EHS,” says Chris Dunback, head of Cardinal Corps.
Cardinal Corps is a student-led organization that encourages students to improve the climate and culture in a positive way here at Eudora High School. The group focuses on improving relationships within the building, our town, and the community. Cardinal Corps sets up competitions between each grade and rewards students for participating and competing. At the end of the competition, the grade with the most points will be rewarded with a huge prize. As of Oct. 26, Seniors at EHS are in the lead with 39 points. Sophomores follow with a score of 29, Juniors with 21, and the Freshman are in last place with 15 points.
Outside of competitions, the group also hosts fun events for students. This past month, Cardinal Corps hosted a drive-in movie here at Eudora High School. According to Senior Colby Lawhorn, Cardinal Corps president, the movie night was a success.
“The drive-in movie went great. It really was amazing seeing just how full the parking lot was, not just with cars, but with students as well. We have had a lot of things taken away from us this year, so I hope that more activities like the drive-in movie can help bring us all together as a school and keep school spirit up throughout the remainder of the year,” Lawhorn says. Cardinal Corps also hosted a Super Smash Bros and kickball tournament that also had a good turn out according to Lawhorn.
As of right now, the group is working out a few more activities before the year ends. Events will include a Halloween costume contest, pumpkin carving, and an ice cream social. Following Thanksgiving break, Cardinal Corps will launch the Winter season of competition. Cardinal Corps still has to decide on what the kickoff event will be but Lawhorn expects to have more fun activities and competitions planned for the student body.
“The fall season for the Cardinal Cup ends on the last day of school before Thanksgiving break! If you want to help lead your class to victory, be sure to participate in all our activities and competitions! Also, I just want to thank everyone who has helped make the Cardinal Corps and the Cardinal Cup possible this year: my mentor, Mr. Dunback; all the teachers who have promoted the Cardinal Cup and awarded SOAR tickets; the administration for allowing us to host all of these events; my wonderful team of Cardinal Corps members for their tireless efforts to make the Cardinal Corps and the Cardinal Cup a reality; and above all the student body for participating in the activities and having a positive attitude this school year!” exclaims Lawhorn.

Photos by: Brittanie Rooney