New Staff Profile: Mike Lavin

Story by: Grady Balthazor
Mike Lavin is the new Journalism, Graphic Design, and drawing teacher at Eudora High School. He has five classes including, Intro to Drawing, Graphic Design 1, Graphic Design Fundamentals, Journalism, and Photography. This is Lavin’s first year of teaching.
“I hope this year will teach me more about being a teacher and improving my skills as a communicator and listener.” He wants to create new relationships with students and staff and he wants an opportunity to further his degree.
“I would like to continue to improve what I teach and how I get it out to students.” Is how Lavin describes what his future with EHS is like.
Mr. Lavin wants to learn more about teaching and the school district itself and become involved more around the school. He wants to be able to get more content out for students to help further their education.
“I would like to work on my speaking skills and communication skills, photoshop, photography, and more.” Is what he wants to be able to work on in the future as a teacher.
Lavin became a teacher at EHS as a shot in the dark, he saw an opening appear for a job near the beginning of the school year and decided to give it a shot, and it paid off fully. This is a new experience for him and he hopes to venture more as a teacher.
“Reserved, Patient, and Coachable” are three words that others would use to describe him. He believes he is coachable because of the way he was able to jump from job to job and learn it on the spot. He believes that taking time to do things is the correct way to do it, and he has the willingness to put in work.
“One thing I absolutely hate is when kids turn in assignments late.” So you want to make sure you’re staying on-track in his classes.
He believes he is a quiet person but can go outside of his shell whenever it is needed. He also tries his absolute hardest to teach with an open mind and work down to other students’ level to further improve their skills and help them out. His main goal is to teach and make an impact on the students he has throughout the years.

Top Photo by: Harleigh Moore
Bottom Photo by: Jessica Moncrief