Halloween is approaching; the spooky season is just around the corner. Children will be roaming the streets October 31, and siblings will be arguing over candy. The real question is, what will the teenagers be doing? Will teens be dressing up, hanging with friends, corralling their siblings or simply going to bed?

Sophomore Ellie Barnard will be staying inside and sleeping. 

“I don’t like it [Halloween], it’s too scary for me,” said Ellie. She explained that she stopped dressing up about three years ago because she wanted to be a fairy or a princess – and things like that just didn’t seem appropriate anymore. 

She explained that Halloween was over for her: “It’s a pointless holiday I don’t live for,” she said.

She believes a good age to stop trick-or-treating is about eleven or twelve. She said she will never go trick-or-treating again. Ellie explained that when she has kids, they can go trick-or-treating with somebody else, because she is not willing to take them.

Mr. Barnard, Ellie’s father, a geometry teacher here at Eudora High School said he likes Halloween. Mr. Barnard says he is planning to dress up as a Jedi this Halloween so that he can use his new lightsaber.

“I like spending time with my kids–except Ellie, she’s a fun sponge.” Barnard says that there is never an age too old to trick-or-treat. He just loves Halloween because of his children.

Junior, Ben Thorne, who spends a lot of time in the band room, loves Halloween as well. He explained that he has dressed up every year for Halloween. He is planning on dressing up this year as well, but is not yet sure what he will dress up as.

“I love Halloween because I get to bond with my friends,” Thorne said. 

He likes Halloween because of the kid aspect. Thorne believes that if you’re an adult without a kid, you should not be trick-or-treating. Trick-or-treating is simply over for you if you are an adult without a child. Thorne also explained that being a teenager, it is great to trick-or-treat. Overall, Thorne believes Halloween is just a night to relax and have fun! 

Halloween is just around the corner, so either get your costumes ready or turn your porch lights off! Just make sure you creep it real.