Eudora High School offers every type of class from An-
thropology to Zoology… or does it? Each student is able to

choose electives to take each school year, some being year
classes, while other are semester classes. But, out of all the
electives Eudora High offers, are there classes in areas of
study that you wish were offered here? Does Eudora truly
cater to every students choice of study?
Senior Madison Arnold understands the classes that are
offered currently, and expresses her opinions over the types
of classes offered.
“I guess there are as many as the school can handle, but

I feel like there are more opportunities and focus of agricul-
ture, architecture, and auto body-but that makes sense be-
cause more people would probably want to do those things.”

Even though Arnold feels like Eudora has all the variety it
can handle, she still wishes there were more classes in her
favorite field of study.

“I would love if there were more advanced art class-
es-such as animation and constant illustration years,” Arnold

Arnold thinks more advanced art classes would help other
students, and be a positive impact.
“The class could benefit everyone in a way, but I don’t

think it would have as big [as] an impact as you would
hope.” Arnold explains.
Sophomore Braden Beadleston also feels that there is not
enough variety when it comes to classes. Beadleston says
he doesn’t know what type of classes he could take for his
career field, education.
“I don’t know of any particular classes that help to
prepare to become a teacher, but I definitely could benefit
for one,” Beadleston said “and so could others if they are
passionate about becoming a teacher.”
On the other hand, Sophomore Eily Ashley believes that
the high school offers enough classes.

“I believe there are plenty of career-field classes to get stu-
dents introduced to the field they want to go into for employ-
ment,” Ashley said.

Ashley likes the variety, but wishes there was more depth.
Even though some students feel as if Eudora does not offer
the classes they want, they all understand why Eudora does
offer what they do.
Beadleston understands the reasoning behind what
classes are offered.

“Because of the size of the school I understand the limita-
tions that have to be put into place,” Beadleston said.