STORY BY CHRIS HARRIS » For many people, joining the military is a time-tested way of improving your social status and gaining the respect of older generations. Many members of our student body are currently undergoing the long process of joining up and are preparing to serve in our military immediately after graduation.
Most of them are Seniors, and each of them has a different reason for enlisting in the armed forces.
Kaspar Hiebert-Kelley, Conner Watson, Dalton Hibner, and Jace Bryan are joining the United States Marine Corps. Each has their own unique reasoning for joining up and has voiced their opinions on it. Hiebert-Kelley is joining specifically because he wants to find a sense of belonging.
“Don’t do it for the money”, Hiebert-Kelley said.
Watson says he wants to join because he feels indebted to previous generations.
“I need to give back to the people who have done it before me,” Watson said. He goes further to suggest to anyone doubtful of joining up that “There will be hard times. It’s not easy but if you stick with it then it’ll be worth it”.
At the time of writing this article Hiebert-Kelley and Watson are confirmed to be both shipping out together and going to bootcamp together as well.
Dalton Hibner, the final of the three, is also joining up, albeit with a later ship-out date. Hibner explains that he wanted to be apart of something bigger. He believes that “if you want to join any branch of the military, think about it a lot before you join.”
All in all, there are still more branches of the military that people are joining, specifically seniors. For example, Corey Hoover is joining the United States Army.
“It has always been my dream, plus it pays for my college.” Hoover said. He also encourages people to “just talk to a recruiter”.
In the future, there will always be more students looking to join the military. It’s a time-honored tradition that many people respect and will continue to be that way for many years.
One strong supporter of the United States Military is Doctor Robyn Kelso, EHS American Government teacher.
She says she is thankful for their service. She believes that for whatever reason the students are joining, it is still going to be a great experience for everyone involved.
Regardless of the reason, all of these students are Seniors enlisted in their respective services and preparing for their next four or six years after high school.