EDTEC Intercom

STORY BY REBEKAH BROWN » The ED-TEC building doesn’t have the same intercom system as the main building. This means students with classes over there frequently miss out on daily announcements and the Pledge of Allegiance, according to EHS Vice Principal, Joe Zlatnik.
“When the EDTEC building was built the intercom system in that building was not integrated with the main building’s system,” Zlatnik said. “As such, the only way to make intercom announcements to the EDTEC building is by doing so from the EDTEC office, which is not currently manned by anyone.”
Since there is only one class being taught in the ED-TEC during second hour, this seemed the best time to schedule the daily announcements. As a result students in that class have to check the website or hunt down the paper copies posted around the school to stay informed.
Pledge of Allegiance is scheduled for first hour when six ED-TEC classes are being taught. But according to Mr. Zlatnik, “Four of those are ED-TEC classes with primarily Desoto and Mill Valley students.”
Sophomore Chloe Heide, who takes Blueprint Reading in the ED-TEC building first hour, feels like she is missing out.
“We don’t get the opportunity like the other students,” said Heide.
While it may take some time, perhaps one day the ED-TEC will receive intercom announcements just like the main building. Mr. Zlatnik is hopeful about this possibility.
“I would love to have the buildings integrated into one intercom system. I hope that sometime in the future we can make that happen,” said Zlatnik.