Student’s Thoughts on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is on the horizon.
It is a holiday most known for love
and chocolate, but for some EHS
students, it is a day to be treated
like any other. Yes, while the holiday
reminds most people of heart eyes
and date nights, some students are
choosing to de-emphasize the day of
“To me, Valentine’s day is just
a random day of the year that gets
too much attention,” said Junior
M’Cheila Rader. “Shouldn’t we
show our love every day? Who came
up with the idea that there should
only be one day where you take your
significant other out or you spoil
them just a little?” said Rader. Rader
doesn’t understand all of the hype

that Valentine’s Day often receives,
and doesn’t agree with the idea of
a pre-planned day to be kind to the
ones you love. But, she thinks the
message overall that Valentines day
promotes is very sweet.
“It’s nice too that people get
flowers and chocolates, and love
is spread around,” said Rader, “My
only problem is… why do people feel
all the pressure to do this stuff on
only Valentine’s Day?” said Rader.
Junior Kjersten Inskeep pointed
out that the holiday has seemingly
lost the amount of ‘realness’ to the
love that is being celebrated.

“I think Valentine’s Day has be-
come this over romanticized holiday

that runs off of material goods,” said
Inskeep, “It seems to revolve more

around stuff and a hyped up version

of puppy love than actual deep con-
nections with other people,”

On the other hand, some peo-
ple don’t see a problem with the

over-romanticized holiday, and enjoy
the idea of giving and getting things
annually on the 14th from others that
they know and love.
“Getting some candy, and maybe
a gift is definitely a positive,” said
Jake Lemonds, Frosh.
However anyone chooses to see
February 14th, there is no wrong way
to celebrate the holiday, even if that
means not celebrating at all.
“I think I’m just gonna treat it
like any other Thursday,” Rader said,
“But of course I’ll make sure to eat a
lot of the fun dip that is on sale!”