NoahMusser_11292018_Christmas - 1STORY BY BREE MOORE »

It’s after Thanksgiving and Christmas music is everywhere, stores like Target and many malls begin to decorate for the holidays very soon, almost the day after Halloween. While many people look forward to singing Christmas carols, is it too early to be singing them on November 1?

Sophomore Kourtney Balluch gets annoyed hearing the Christmas music so early. Immediately after Halloween, Balluch is still enjoying the spookiness of the season, and it frustrates her when she hears Christmas songs so early because she can get tired of them very easily.

“There is a such thing as too early for Christmas music,” said Balluch.

Kourtney doesn’t like playing Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. There are only so many Christmas songs in her book, and when you are forced listen to them on repeat for a little over a month… it starts to drive her crazy.

“Anytime before Black Friday, if you play it too early… the songs will get annoying before Christmas,” Balluch said, “and then I feel like I become kind of a scrooge.”

On the other hand, Katy Plate is always in full swing for Christmas by Nov. 1. The decorations are out, the tree is up, and the baking has begun for Plate.

“I love Christmas music because it reminds me of so many good memories with my family that I only get to see during this time of year. All my worries go away and I’m just happy. But I do think too early for Christmas is anytime before Halloween,” said Plate.

Every year on the first day of November, Plate breaks out the Mariah Carey “All I Want For Christmas Is You” and sings her heart out while putting up the Christmas tree. Plate enjoys getting in the spirit early and spending the full length of two straight months enjoying the holidays.

Not everyone finds the holidays enjoyable, Clinical psychologist Linda Blair told CBS news that holiday music can cause stress by reminding people of all the things they need to do before the big day.

People can always have mixed feeling on whether or Christmasmusic should be played early or if it should wait to be played after Thanksgiving.