State Successes

Story by Catherine Grosdidier »
Advancing on to state competition is an accomplishment that just about any athlete or student hopes to achieve while in high school. Recently, the EHS Varsity Scholar’s Bowl team and three members of the EHS Wrestling team qualified for state competition. The scholar’s bowl team members included Seniors Jon Bock, Jamee McGinness, Phillip Pyle, Mary Young, Emily Hull, and Anthony Ramirez. The three wrestlers were Freshman Will Schreiner, Junior Hagan Andrews, and Senior Elijah Kennedy.
For the scholar’s bowl team, this was the first trip to the state competition in four years. At regionals, the team took first in their pool with a 5-1 record and advanced to the finals, and finished third overall with a record of 3-2. At state, the team took second in a pool of six teams with a record of 4-1. After making it to the finals, EHS faced off against eventual state champion Wichita Collegiate and would go to take 5th place overall in 4A. The difference between first and fifth place was a tight 20 points which is equal to only two questions.
“It felt great to be a part of the group,” team member Blake Reed, Sr., said, “and reflect on how far we had come as a team. It was also special to see myself in the place that I saw the seniors in as a freshman.”
On Friday Feb. 16 and Saturday Feb. 17, the varsity wrestling team competed at Holton in the regional competition. The three students that qualified for state competed in different weight classes with Will Schreiner at 113 pounds, Hagan Andrews at 132 pounds, and Elijah Kennedy at 160 pounds. At regionals, Schreiner would go on to place second and Andrews and Kennedy would both place third.
“The hardest part about being a wrestler is people don’t understand that it is a grind,” Kennedy said, “no other sport grinds like wrestlers grind.”
While this was Schreiner’s first time qualifying for state competition, both Andrews and Kennedy have been through the experience before. This was Hagan’s third year and Elijah’s fourth year.
“This year at state was,by far, out of all four year… was my favorite,” Elijah said, “I fell in love with the sport again this year not having to lose weight, and also placing top four at state made it just that much better.”
As Reed and Kennedy both finish out their final runs on their respective teams as seniors, each have reflected what they will miss the most from their experiences.
“I am going to miss the coaches,” Reed said, “and the group that scholar’s bowl was capable of bringing together.”
Kennedy feels the same regarding his coaches, but will also miss his teammates.
“Something I will definitely miss the most is my wrestling pals and my coaches,” Kennedy said, “I look at those guys as a second family. They devote so much time and care for you as if you were one of their family. They had a huge impact not only on wrestling, but also outside the wrestling room, and I love ‘em all!”