Politically Positive or Politically Pessimistic?

Story by Brett Breedlove »
The importance of politics in today’s society has had a strong thrust on young adults. Politics have influenced teenagers to be more involved with the world around them and to see it differently. Some students are heavily involved with modern politics, some students have an interest, and some have no care at all for the subject. Because all students have felt the effect of politics on their lives, many students have opinions about it. Some even believe that it plays a vital role in their everyday lives.
“Politics are important,” said Junior Justin Hurt. “They affect our daily lives. It decides the world you’re living in.”
Hurt believes that politics are very important to our everyday lives. Lots of things that happen around us are due to politics and we don’t even know it. More students share this view on the politics and believe that it is also a major player in our everyday lives.
“I talk about politics almost everyday,” said Junior Westly Hutton.
Hutton said that people do not understand their political views. He believes that people might say things that could be good or bad about someone without checking their facts. Students especially are often quick to jump on the bandwagon and take someone’s side because of what their friends say.
“I think that most people don’t actually understand what’s going on, but support or bash on something if everyone else does,” Hutton said. “People need to do their research because politics today is just who’s a bigger meme.”
Hutton mentions an example that strongly supports his statement: President Trump. Hutton says that he hears groups of students bash on the president when they don’t even know the good things that he has done. The students will check their facts but only find the things online that make them look bad.
“Everyone says Trump sucks but fail to mention the fact that he has raised the value of the stock market and kept oil prices low,” says Hutton.
On the other side of this whole subject are the students who do not involve themselves in politics. Some students do not have an interest in the idea of politics and make no effort or little effort to be involved. Sophomore Jake Boucher believes that politics have had very little influence on him.
“They choose how much money I spend on taxes and that’s really the only way that they affect my life.” said Boucher.
Other students believe that politics mean nothing to them.
“They are not important at all.” said Junior Xavier Seurer.