Traditions at Christmas

Story by Hannah Hazeldine »
Traditions are a way to pass down certain customs and beliefs from generation to generation. Not everyone’s are the same, either. Christmas traditions, if you celebrate this particular holiday, can differ from family to family. Different customs and beliefs are what makes people’s way of doing things for Christmas a little more special.
A classic tradition is to put up a Christmas tree, usually before Christmas day. It is then decorated with ornaments. The history behind the tree, specifically the Evergreen Fir, is that it has been used to celebrate winter festivals for thousands of years. Ornaments are then hung on the tree for decorations.
Senior Nate Gomez normally starts off December with putting up his christmas tree. His whole family then likes to hang up the ornaments together. On Christmas morning, he and his brother wake up very early to open up their presents. He then relaxes and watches NBA on TV.
Adam Monroe, Soph., keeps it simple and goes to his dad’s parent’s house.
“I go to my dad’s parents and we eat lunch and open presents,” Monroe said.
Sophomore Brianna Hemel, every year on Christmas Eve, will bake cookies and frost them. On Christmas Day, her and her brother have everything planned out perfectly.
“On Christmas morning, my brother and I wake up super early, at 6 a.m., and watch a Christmas movie together while we wait for my parents to wake up,” Hemel said.
Freshman Kale Breedlove’s personal tradition is “to wear Christmas socks, pajama pants and a Santa hat all day, and drink a lot of coffee.” His family tradition usually involves going to his grandparent’s house to open presents that they got him. He then goes home and opens presents that his mom got him and his brother.
Some people have extremely busy schedules before and during Christmas, like Sophomore Matthew Reding. He gets together with his family on Christmas eve to go to church. Afterward, he opens presents from his grandparents, aunts and uncles. On Christmas morning, he opens the presents from his parents and will later in the day get dressed up and have family and friends come to his house to eat. After a very long and eventful day, Reding and his family can finally relax. This usually involves talking, playing games, or watching NBA basketball or other movies and shows that are on.
As Christmas brings everyone together, it also brings special memories and traditions each year.