Story by Hunter Heier »

STEM, otherwise known as science, technology, engineering and mathematics, is a new grouping of subjects with an emphasis on technology-related fields. Now, it’s being pushed in U.S. education more than ever.

Mr. Galemore, who teaches Computer Aided Design, or CAD, believes that this push in education is because the U.S. has a lack of engineers.

“As technology gets better, we need more designers,” Galemore said, referring to the engineers who design new technologies.

Mr. Pickett, who teaches Biology and Physics, agrees, believing that the current job demand is being driven by the types of jobs, as well as the employment opportunities.

“New technologies are going to affect us,” Pickett said. “We want to be literate in areas of technology and science.”

STEM covers a wide variety of jobs, from mathematicians to software engineers. Riley Foltz, Jr., is on track to become a biomedical engineer. One of the primary focuses of this career is creating organs from STEM cells in order to help those who might need an organ transplant.

“It’s important to me to help other people,” said Foltz.

Meanwhile, Garrett Durr, Jr., is interested in Construction Engineering, which involves the design of buildings.

“I enjoy designing and 3D Modelling,” Durr said, citing two main aspects of the modern construction industry.

Other growing sections of engineering are in the automotive and electrical fields. Sarah Case, Sr., plans to enter both of these fields.

“I want to work creating new technology and hopefully work a lot with designing and building animatronics,” said Case.

“This is just the beginning,” Mr. Pickett said, citing that the field is growing in modern education. “STEM in high school is sort of a starting block.”

STEM is also a growing category in U.S. colleges and careers. Mrs. Splichal, who teaches Earth-Space and Physical Science, said “It’s extremely important that students consider STEM fields when making decisions on post-secondary careers.”

Mrs. Splichal thought Science Olympiad would be a great way for students to get involved in STEM. Science Olympiad is an extracurricular version of STEM, where students compete in various engineering challenges.

While STEM may be in its early stages, it certainly has had an impact on today, as well as the future.

“It’s hard to predict what we will be building in the next 10 years,” said Mr. Pickett.