Story by Alexander Timmerman »

With the end of the semester approaching, finals are unavoidable. Although semester-end exams are something students usually don’t look forward to, some students decide to get ready by actually studying for them.

For the people who do decide to study for the tests, having a preferred place to study is an important detail not to overlook.  Whether that’s in a quiet place, or in a place full of familiar faces, it’s a great way people to feel more comfortable preparing for tests.

Sophomore Brant Miller prefers to study by himself in his home.

“My kitchen table is my favorite place to study because there aren’t many distractions,” Miller explains, “If I study in my room, I get distracted.”

There are also some students that like to go to their friend’s houses to study, to have some fun during (or after) their time to study. Other students like to do their studying immediately before the test, as some teachers give their students time to study in the moments before they hand out the tests.

Sophomore Drew Thompson is one of those students.

“I like to study in school, during the hour [of the test].” Thompson said, “I really don’t like to study, so I study at the last minute possible.”

Some teachers give students time to study during the time set aside for their final; however, some believe that the time should be spent actually completing the exam. Chemistry teacher Mrs. Pruitt usually doesn’t give students time to study during the hour of the test.

“There’s usually not enough time during the hour to allow them to study,” Pruitt said.