Story by Alexander Timmerman »

One of the many new additions to EHS this year is the two new vending machines in the school cafeteria. However, their use has been restricted to the only in the afternoon. A common complaint about them is that they’re not available during lunch.

“I think the vending machines are a waste of money, very useless because we can’t use them at lunch,” said Cail McKee, Soph.,  “I feel like we should have regular drinks instead of just the diet.”

“Hardly anyone uses them, and one of them has already been broken,” said James Cromer, Soph.

Another argument that has been brought up, is why there is a water vending machine, when there are water fountains by the nearby restrooms. Some have been asking: Why did the school buy the vending machines in the first place?

“They were not purchased, they were part of a district contract with a pacific vendor,” said principal Ron Abel. “They’re paying us to allow them to put them in our building.”

As for the reason why we can’t use them during lunch, Abel put it this way:

“There are nutritional guidelines that were provided by the federal government that we must follow,” Abel said. “During lunchtime, there are federal rules that restrict what the administration can, and cannot be given during lunch. One of those rules doesn’t allow students to purchase things, like soda from the vending machine, that don’t go through the lunch program.”

A ton of students don’t see any real purpose or use for the vending machines. Abel pointed out one purpose they serve.

“It provides opportunities for students with extracurricular activities to purchase things after school hours.”