Isn’t it Sweet to be a Cardinal?

Story by Catherine Grosdidier ≫
Oh, how sweet it is! Candyland, the 2017 Fall Homecoming theme, was a sugar-coated success. Student Council filled the halls of EHS with candy themes related to Snickers, Wonka Bars, and Skittles.
With the variety of theme days came a week full of activities. At the beginning of the week, eight “sweet” seniors were announced as homecoming candidates. King nominees were Jon Bock, Alex Brown, Noah Katzenmeier, and Phillip Pyle. Queen candidates were Graci Buchholz, Catherine Grosdidier, Alaina Howe, and Nicole Tener.
Wednesday came with the annual homecoming parade to CPA Park. The football team held its first ever “Buck-A-Duck” race after the parade with prizes going out to the winners with the fastest ducks.
“3,600 total ducks were sold from the football team,” said Jamee McGinness, Sr. “The team loves the community and we’re looking to do the race again in the future.”
After the excitement of the parade, students looked forward to the final theme days and the most anticipated night of the week, Friday. During the day, students voted for the King and Queen. The Cards faced the Louisburg Wildcats in a close game, with the outcome coming in a tough 14-7 loss.
As halftime began, the eight candidates took to the field to be announced. After a substantial pause, Alex Brown and Catherine Grosdidier were announced as the 2017 King and Queen.
“I was surprised when I was announced,” Brown said, “I feel very appreciative to the people who voted for me. The crown was cool!”
Following the game, student piled into the commons for a dance in Candyland. Songs from all different types of genres bounced off the walls until midnight. The atmosphere of the dance became so hot that chaperones had to bring out a large fan for a cool-down station. The final song of “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond sent students home with thoughts of sugar plums dancing in their heads.