Magical gathering

story by Breyanna Helm ≫
About a month ago Westly Hutton had a conversation with freshman English teacher, Jeremy Gish, about the game Magic: The Gathering. Hutton mentioned interest in starting a Magic Club and Gish was all for the idea.
“I just have fun listening to all of the lingo. There’s a special language that accompanies the culture created by most hobbies, and the language of Magic is pretty entertaining,” Gish said.
Hutton has been a fan since he was 9 years old. His favorite part is watching people share a game together that he’s loved.
“Everyone knows magic is a game but few people understand that it is also an escape,” Hutton said.
They had a meeting shortly after. The initial number fluctuated from twenty plus students in the first meeting to about eight in the second, but they hope to make the number grow again. They have met every activity period and they are planning to possibly meet more frequently.
Most of them play “commander”, which is a certain format in which to play. Games usually last longer than the time set aside for activity period. It’s not unusual to see students continuing their games after the bell and some of them have after school activities. The game is played by 2+ people and each person has a 100 card deck they bring and play with.
“My favorite part is having a time to play a cool game with my friends, but my least favorite is the short time period to play,” said Brayden Yoder-Mulkey, Soph. “I would like to have periodical tournaments and drafts. It would be cool to branch into other formats of play.”