What’s behind the door?

story by Breyanna Helm≫
Take a look at a map of the school, there’s one posted in every room. Have you ever wondered what was behind a certain door, or why a particular room is even there in the first place?
At EHS, some of the rooms are inaccessible to students because they need to be – for safety. Many are communication closets that tend to get warm because of electricity and or have supplies needed by the janitorial staff. Students aren’t allowed to go into them because the staff does not want students to touch anything and get hurt.
“I like the narrow storage room in the band locker hallway because it was really weird and has the bricks of the building before the PAC was built,” said Nicole Whitten, Jr.
The old photography dark room, if you didn’t know, is located in the old journalism room near the art rooms. It was used to develop photos and the last time it was used was about four years ago when Mr. Bova taught the class. Now it is used for janitor storage.
On the same note, if you didn’t know about the room with the two couches and a recliner, that’s the old journalism room. Future plans call for that room to be converted into a classroom due to the expanding number of students enrolling in EHS.
There’s also a little room off of Mr. Lauxman’s room. t is accessible to students but just houses a kiln for clay products. EHS doesn’t have enough students to warrant hiring a dedicated ceramics teacher, so that’s why most do not know about it. There’s even a secret passageway to the library.
“Occasionally I go through the library conference room which is right off the library and through that communications closet,” said Ron Abel, Principal. “It’s just quicker through that way.”
As tempting as it is for students to explore a building where they spend nearly 40 hours a week, students don’t typically sneak into hidden rooms. The administration and custodial staff keeps the rooms locked and anyone using them would need a key for access.