A turn of events

story by Breyanna Helm≫
What are the chances that you have a dangerous heart surgery then find out you win $50,000? Close to zero. But for Mr. Robinson, EHS video production teacher, his long shot paid off. .
Students here at EHS love him for his computer classes and especially for the videos he creates with students for competition and school events.
Robinson has always had Atrial fibrillation, known as Afib, which is an irregular and often very fast heart rate. Itt also causes symptoms like heart palpitations, fatigue, and shortness of breath. He never had trouble with it until a couple years ago when an ablation, to correct his irregular heart rhythm.
After the ablation he felt good, but around October things started to get worse. In the end it resulted in Endocarditis, which is inflammation of the endocardium, on the mitral valve in his heart. Going to the hospital a couple times and having another ablation, he finally was able to get surgery done in late December where they replaced his mitral valve with a metal one.
“Despite his heart problems, Robinson has the biggest heart, he really cares and pushes his students to go for what they want to do or where they want to go.” said Morgan Monroe, Sr.
In all this, luck came Robinson’s way. On black Friday, a brand called dbrand, who makes skins for computers and phones, was having a deal going on. For every $50 you spent you got one ballot entered for a 50K giveaway contest, that day Robinson bought three items for a total of $53.
“I was just chillin in my house when I saw an email come through and I couldn’t believe it. After a couple phone calls to the CEO I realized it wasn’t a prank and in fact was real.” He said. He plans to use the money for taxes, medical bills, and retirement.