Office ladies

story by Bree Moore
The ladies at the front office do that same thing, sit here in a chair all day, but their job is much more involved than that.
Mrs. Moffitt is the newest addition to the the EHS office staff here at Eudora High School. She works from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday, 40 hours a week. Ever since her first day, July 25th 2016, Mrs. Moffitt has been happy she became an EHS Cardinal.
Moffitt admits the job isn’t easy. It’s kind of hard job to stay on top of things as a head secretary, keeping up with the students and teachers all day long. She says the most important parts are keeping everything organized in the office and making sure all the responsibilities are taken care of each day. But, in her opinion, the hardest part of the job is trying to manage multiple roles in the office and trying to manage them all at once. It’s difficult for most people to imagine having to take care of the announcements, attendance, people walking in late and the teachers. But in spite of the stress, the thing she loves most is seeing the different kids every day, and working with the rest of her staff.
“I love my job at EHS!” Moffitt said. “The staff and students are awesome and it’s a happy place to come and work each day. I enjoy investing in my own community and building relationships with people.”
Mrs. Carnagie, works Monday-Friday, eight hours a day. Over the past 23 years, Mrs. Carnagie has been an EHS Cardinal and loves doing her job.
Some days require more work than others for Mrs. Carnagie. It’s hard to keep up with all that has to be done. One of the most difficult things is getting all the paperwork for each student going out for a sport and then getting the information entered into the KSHSAA database. Between multi-tasking, answering phones, responding to emails and helping students, some days in the office are very busy.
“I love being active with the students and seeing what they end up doing with their lives after school,” Carnagie said. “I also love being the senior sponsor and taking seniors on senior trip to Branson. Love working with a great staff we have here at EHS.”
To sum it all up, our office staff work very hard to keep our schools up to date. They take time out of their day to help take care of the rest of the school. So next time you stop by the office, say thank you, and let them know that you appreciate all that they do.