
EHS students are playing a major role in deciding the winner of the upcoming presidential election. According to a poll conducted here at Eudora High, the majority of those who are eligible will be expecting to vote in the next election. Two of those planning to vote are Seniors Tanner Beebe and Zach Livengood. Both of them feel that voting is important, but have different views about their recently gained ability to participate.

“Honestly, right now I’m not overly excited about voting. I’m sure once I get to the ballot it’ll be exciting to vote for the first time but right now I don’t feel too different about it,” said Beebe, who believes voting is a right given to citizens and should be used appropriately.

“You should vote because you’re given the power to vote. It’s another civic duty you have. You can’t complain about who’s in office if you didn’t take the time to go vote,” said Beebe.

Livengood spoke about how thrilled he was to be able to vote in the 2016 elections.

“Many people take being able to vote for granted, but it has a large impact on your life and future.”

Livengood doesn’t see how his fellow students can cast votes without carefully thinking their vote through.

“Make sure you know what you’re voting for though. Become educated about what you’re voting for. People would die just so they could choose who makes their laws and runs their country,” said Livengood.