
In past years, Eudora’s proms have been located in the school commons. This year, the juniors decided to push for an off-campus location.

The prom committee, comprised of students in the junior class, took a vote on the issue. With a majority of the members voting for the movement, they began to search for locations.  Calls were made by the committee so that the juniors could prepare a budget and present it to Mr. Abel to see if the plan was viable.

The committee members felt that the main purpose for buying decorations was to cover up and disguise the commons that students are so familiar with. With time ticking down before winter break, the team began to struggle to find a venue that would be available on April 16 and leave enough money for the junior class’ senior graduation. It all came down to money, and Mrs. Garrison, the junior class prom sponsor, decided to speak to the class of 2017 in Mr. Tharp’s class to give them two options: Pay junior class dues immediately and raise senior class dues dramatically to pay for an out-of-town prom, or just have prom at EHS.

“I had had a meeting with Mrs. Carnagie and Mrs. Kimberlin the day before and they explained to me that the junior class budget is incredibly low,” says Garrison. “It came down to the question of how the  class of ‘17 would pay for graduation if we proceeded to rent out a venue for prom.  If the budget didn’t match up to the amount needed for graduation, then that meant we would have to raise money in the junior class very, very quickly. And that is what that vote was about that took place in Mr. Tharp’s class.”

With the overall class vote, EHS 2016 Prom will officially be held in the high school commons like previous years. The theme for this year’s prom is Old Hollywood Romance.