In a galaxy far, far away…
December 27 – January 20 // Ahsoka Tano: This girl is eager to learn and is very clever, just like you! You’re craving a purpose and your inexperience can get in the way at times, but you’re really just trying to help. You always have good intentions, but you may have an affinity for creepy crawlers. So that’s weird. Maybe you should look into that…
January 21 – February 25 // Han Solo: You smug little guy. You silly scoundrel, you. You have a smooth charm and a knack for persuasion. You may have slipped up in your decisions in the past, but under pressure you will always know what the right thing to do is. Also, you’re very fond of your car and it’s kind of strange.
February 26 – March 17 // Chewbacca: Chewbacca is obviously one of the most majestic characters in the whole series. You’ve got that trait along with others! You are sassy and unrelentingly sarcastic. You have a crazy loyalty complex and you’re handy with a laser crossbow, and those are some seriously great qualities to have. Keep it up, bud!
March 18 – April 30 // Luke Skywalker: You’re a fabulous human being. Seriously, your flaws are few and far between. You come from humble beginnings are you are still on your way up! You may have a few issues like accidentally kissing your sister, but it’s nothing to be seriously concerned about. Besides, you’re a brilliant pilot, so what could possibly go wrong?
May 1 – June 16 // Boba Fett: Boba Fett, as you may know, is a bounty hunter. And a bounty hunter is basically a gold digger, so that’s you, my friend. But that’s not all! Like Boba, you let your actions speak for themselves, and you are quite determined when given a job. Also, you may or may not have fallen into a Sarlacc Pit and may currently be being digested slowly over 1,000 years. Surprise!
June 17 – July 23 // Yoda: Wise you are. Hard to understand you are at times, but a gift to all your wisdom is. Small and green although you are, not small is your heart! Shine your wisdom and helpful plans on many you should.
July 24 – August 30 // Princess Leia: This is one princess you don’t want to mess with. She’s got great hair, crazy moves, and a tactical mind. And you, my friend, are a hard core fighter. It’s guaranteed that you look great doing it too.
August 31 – September 23 // Darth Vader: If this is you, please don’t immediately write it off as totally untrue. Darth Vader is extremely persistent, even if his persistence is for evil and selfish purposes. He has a commanding power, as do you. You probably have a very short temper, and you might find yourself with your hands around someone’s neck. At the end of the day, however, it all comes down to how much you love your son. And that’s a lot.
September 24 – November 9 // R2-D2: This little thermocapsuler dehousing assister (the type of robot R2-D2 is) always has a plan of attack. Even if no one else gets what his plan is or why, it makes sense to him. And that’s what is important. You’re like this too! You may have seen some things and been around some not too pleasant stuff, but your experience helps. You’ve always got the tools for the job and you’re ready get going!
November 10 – December 26 // Obi-Wan Kenobi: With Obi-Wan Kenobi, the job always comes first. He is courageous and wise, and you have similar qualities to this! You are also wise, but you have much room to learn. There is one thing you need to watch out for.. it is very possible that your friends will get you into a bad situation, and then rely on you to get them out too. Be on your guard, and trust no one.