
Students can easily become frustrated with technology. One common complaint among EHS students is the MacBooks’ consistent premature battery loss. Often times, students resorted to crowding around outlets which were a place of refuge for the computers. That changed in January when the school got many new Chromebooks.

Shannon Pickett, the sophomore English teacher, said this about the old computers:

“The old MacBooks were like an old workhorse ready to be put out to pasture. They were terrific machines that lasted well beyond their years, but there is little left to salvage,” said Pickett.

With new computers, the students’ abilities to work more efficiently is expected. Google is a tool used almost daily by students. The new Chromebooks allow for a streamlined process to access this program.

“I have only used the new Chromebooks twice in the short time we’ve been back, so my assessment is somewhat limited, but the new machines do boot faster, are much lighter and of course, no battery issues,” said Robyn Kelso, a long time social studies teacher at EHS.

One of the greatest new features in 2016 at EHS is the new computers. They will substantially reduce the frustration of a Macbook dying with “2:00 hours” left on the battery and will allow for students to be more productive.