Eudora Wins Science Grant


Story by Phillip Pyle

Eudora students will be getting their hands on some new technology this year as a result of a grant that the district has received.

Monsanto, a company that specializes in agriculture awards grants each year through the America’s Farmers: Grow Rural Education Fund.

This grant targets farming communities that need a stronger emphasis on science and mathematics. Farmers within the area nominate school districts that they believe should receive the grant.

Near the end of the last school year, the school district was notified that farmers within the district nominated them for the grant from the Monsanto Company. Megan Black, Eric Magette, Kristin Magette and Barbie Hartwell, along with other staff members, quickly assembled a grant application in wake of the nomination.

“Mrs. Magette did an amazing job of getting together a team of people to work on the grant proposal,” said Megan Black.

This application detailed what the school planned to do with the grant if awarded, describing the STEM initiative (science, math, engineering and technology) in Eudora. This initiative promotes hands-on learning and new experiences for students in the classroom.

Early this school year, Monsanto chose the grant winners and Eudora was one of them, receiving a grant of $25,000.

The grant will be used to grow the elementary school science club, teaching kids more about the STEM principles. Also, the grant is allowing for the purchase of Lego Mindstorm robotics at the middle school, increasing the possibility for a robotics club in the future. The grant also helped start a robotics club and purchase a new 3D Printer for Eudora High School.

“This opens up so many opportunities for students to put their ideas into action, and to see them come to life! Not to mention, it’s going to be so much fun,” Megan Black says, “It’s a really exciting time for us as a school, and we are excited to get these materials set up for students!”

With this grant being recently awarded to the Eudora School District, students should expect to see new equipment and technology in their classrooms this year.