By Melanie Reese

The Eudora Cardinals had arrived in Garnett to compete against 8 other teams, with the boys placing second overall and the girls placing fifth. With the weather being sunny and warm, the Cardinals were ready to compete, including Braeden Manley who broke the school record for pole vault with a vault of 13-1. As the running events started, the boys 4×8 consisting of Kimble Haskett, Steven Najera, Jon Miller, and Jayce McQueen, earned first place. Along with the girls 4×800 team consisting of Halle Norris, Corrine Yoder-Mulkey, Leslie Douglas and Sydney Coleman placed second.

Individually, multiple athletes earned a place in the top two among different events:


Jon Ortiz placed first shot put and discus.

Broderick Topil placed second in pole vault.

Jon Miller placed first the open 400.

Abbie Shockley placed first the 300 hurdles.

Kayla Maples placed second in the open 800.

Kimble Haskett placed first in the open 800.

Clayton Faircloth placed first in the 3200.


Halfway through the track season, the Cardinals happily put another meet behind them and prepare for the second home meet, the Cardinal Relays on April 23. Come out and support the Cardinals and see the seniors on senior night.